Painting in oil as therapy

We cannot always change our patterns but by changing some of our activities we can create new paths in our brain’s way of handling things. Try sometimes the concept of De-stressing through Painting in Oil. This is a wonderful medium to take your mind off on a tangent. By using forms and colors, a door is opened to new vistas. Even depression can be reigned in. Therapists force the clients to paint pictures of happy things or scenes such as flowers and landscapes with a lot of yellow and green in them. This is in contrast to gloomy moods where most people tend towards black or very dark, heavy colors and forms.  Not only primary colors. Let’s not limit ourselves and take a rigid stance. The colors that are vibrant are yellows and every shade of every color in which it is to be found. White too. It is simply impossible to be unhappy with these colors in your lives. Left to themselves, most humans would go on masturbating with their own morbid thoughts. So they have to be weaned away. The ego of a person will resist so the job has to be done gently. Landscapes with pleasant forms and all elemental natural ingredients in it will do the trick.

When you are in a particular mood, you tend to veer towards certain colors and forms; insisting gently that the mind play only with certain forms and colors which trigger happy images can induce changes in moods and mental vibrations with positive results. This has an immediate and strong effect on the personae.

Oil painting is the perfect medium as it permits overwriting. It is the perfect medium to play with.

This permits focusing on problems and finding practical solutions in a relaxed and receptive state of mind. For, after all, all our problems begin and end in the mind.