Painting in Oil as Therapy against Depression & Stress


Tackling Stress & Depression.

Modern medicine treats depression with counseling, drugs and/or such mechanical treatments as Light therapy or Electroconvulsive Therapy. It is found that 80 to 90% of the time people are able to shake off their depression with this kind of help and treatment. But soon get back into another bout soon as psychologically it often becomes a habit to wallow in sadness. Often the cause can be certain deficiencies in diet or environment that are easily corrected medically if understood and diagnosed.
This is the modern medical version. When one looks at the symptoms and only aims to cure the symptoms, this is fine and it works but temporarily. But in India where we are more concerned with the whole person our old traditional medicine has a different approach. First of all it needs to be understood that Indians see everything from the occult view of things. The body has only a supportive role to play. This said, it means that the emotional part of our persona is said to be suffering from depression when it is in a negative frame of mind, which normally happens when one's wishes are thwarted. Therefore it would not be unfair to conclude that people with depression are those who let their egos and desires runway with them and when not satisfied they go into depression.
So the obvious answer is that we need to change our thinking tracks and attitudes + if possible activities to permit new habits and patterns to enter our lives
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